Monday, December 23, 2013

Hi guys! So this is my first official fashion post *screams internally* haha. These photos were taken a few weeks ago while i was doing a bit of Christmas shopping. It hasn't really been too cold here in Florida, but this particular day it was a little chilly so i tried to dress kind of warm. The look i was going for with this was a little edgy (hence the leather pants and all the black), but i also wanted to look kind of urban (explaining the denim jacket and biggie shirt). I really love how this outfit turned out! Until next time...byeee. Xo :)

Outfit Details
Beanie: Body central
Biggie Tank: Forever 21
Denim Jacket: Forever 21 (Similar ones here)
Leather pants: H&M
Shoes: Converse
Jewelry: Forever 21
Bag: Unknown

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